The 2019 Freedom of City Parade

This year Motor Source Group joined in with the celebrations at the RAF Freedom of City parade.

With stormy weather the day before our wishes were granted with sunshine at today’s RAF parade. The parade was to celebrate the Freedom of the City of Lincoln for both RAF Scampton and RAF Waddington. (Full video below)


RAF Scampton was granted freedom of the city in 1993, while RAF Waddington has held the honour since 1959. This gives them the right to march through the city with ‘bayonets fixed, bands playing and colours flying’. They have been marching together since 2016.

The march started from St Martin’s square to the War Memorial, where they received a salute from the Mayor of Lincoln and received a ‘Commemoration Cry’ from the Town Crier.

The sun shining meant that the scheduled flyover took place during the parade.

Whilst attending the parade we managed to get talking to some of the bystanders. One lady was there to support her partner who was in the parade. Another lady shared a very personal story with us. She told us that her daughter had unfortunately lost a friend in action recently and she was here to pay her respect.

The march was very moving and made us feel incredibly proud of our local RAF bases.

March video:

MSG Summary

Lincoln city centre stood still to watch and applaud the RAF Personnel on their Freedom of the City of Lincoln march. We shall definitely be back next year to watch!